You are

  • working in management and are facing a difficult decision?
  • an executive looking for new career or life perspectives?
  • in a crisis and can’t get any further?
  • a self-employed freelancer (e.g. lawyer, accountant) in a phase of reorientation?
  • a person who wants to tackle something big in his life once again?

You want to

  • develop your personal potential!
  • give your career a powerful push forward!
  • reorient yourself privately or professionally or change something in your life!
  • search for new goals in life!
  • find a way out of an unpleasant, stressful situation!

My coaching helps you to

  • get to know yourself better: your wishes, potentials and goals,
  • take new perspectives or to orientate yourself completely new,
  • develop ways and strategies for your goals,
  • initiate concrete, self-responsible action steps of change,
  • find more joy, meaning and emotional balance in life again.

I don’t know if it will get better if it becomes different.
But it must become different if it is to become better.
(Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

What is Coaching?   

Coaching gives you the opportunity to open up and move mentally and emotionally, to open up new perspectives, to change old patterns, to become creative – and to take action! This coaching will be based on a confidential and trustful exchange at eye level. On this basis, a personal change process becomes possible that brings you closer to your dreams, goals and future successes. More personal fulfillment, higher satisfaction and more balance are the reward of this change process.

Know yourself 

Many people strive for change in their lives, whether personal or professional. However, they often underestimate themselves and only see their weaknesses and problems. This is the great opportunity of the coaching process: you recognize what has been hidden until now. You will gain a better understanding of yourself and reveal your potential – step by step. I would like to walk this truly individual path to your personal success together with you for a while, so that you will say sometime later on in your life: „I did it my way.“

What coaching is not      

Coaching is not about becoming even „tougher“ to better cope with life’s adversities. Coaching is also not about the coach solving your problem but rather guiding you in your change process. This process will then change many things and often eliminate the problem quite automatically. And last but not least: Coaching is not psychotherapy, because coaching is not about solving the problems of the past, but about developing the potential in the future. 

Personal Coaching und Business Coaching

In my coaching I do not make a fundamental difference methodically between personal coaching and business coaching. Because often the job also shapes the private issues or the private problems are touching the professional ones. It is always about the same person. It is also not surprising that young people increasingly give up a clear separation between „private“ and „business“ in their lives. An integrated approach has therefore proven itself in my practice. When you change or develop, it will always affect your entire personality – private and professional.      

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.    (George Bernhard Shaw)

Contact me to arrange a free consultation!

Dr. Thomas Kapp

Chopinstraße 23
70195 Stuttgart

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+49 (0)170 960 55 25